Readers, please be prepared for the ultimate art of disguise.. Haha.. Okie, entry kali ni sy bawakan 10 penyamaran haiwan (dan serangga) yg sy rasa sgt amazing fantastic bombastic.. Kalah penyamaran Angelina Jolie dlm filem Salt & Tom Cruise dlm Ghost Protocol.. XD
5. Ikan Sebelah @ Flatfish
Ikan ini berbentuk pipih, tidak simetri macam ikan-ikan lain.. tubuhnya seolah-olah
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tasik Luar Biasa Di Dunia
1. Kolam Air Terjun Berkanopi @ Hamilton Pool Preserve, USA
- Pertama kali dijumpai sekitar tahun 1800 dan merupakan sebahagian daripada rancangan perlindungan Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.- Air terjun dan reka bentuk "kanopi" batu kapur yang cantik memberikan keunikan tersendiri kepada tempat ini. Aktiviti berenang adalah dibenarkan tetapi hanya ketika kualiti air berada diparas selamat.
Cerita pasal itu:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Rambut emas, mata biru.
Speaking about those who got blue eyes with golden hair. Mesti majoriti akan cakap: ni mesti org putih a.k.a Caucasians! Ui ui ui, jgn trus jwb cmtu.. Bukan org putih/white people/Caucasians sj yg ada ciri-ciri sprti ini. Org hitam and org coklat pn ada ba mata biru/rambut blonde... haha.
Ada beberapa tempat di dunia ni yg ada
Ada beberapa tempat di dunia ni yg ada
Cerita pasal itu:
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Jurang Mariana: Susuk alien di bumi??
Dear readers,
Dalam post kali ini, I would like to show you all the aliens yg memang sebenarnya sudah lama tinggal dan beranak pinak di dasar paling dalam bumi yg tercinta.. Jeng3!!
Tahukah anda dimana titik lokasi dasar lautan paling dalam di bumi?? Yes, correct! The answer is: the Mariana Trench ataupun dlm bahasa kita --> Jurang Mariana..
The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. Jurang Mariana ini
Dalam post kali ini, I would like to show you all the aliens yg memang sebenarnya sudah lama tinggal dan beranak pinak di dasar paling dalam bumi yg tercinta.. Jeng3!!
Tahukah anda dimana titik lokasi dasar lautan paling dalam di bumi?? Yes, correct! The answer is: the Mariana Trench ataupun dlm bahasa kita --> Jurang Mariana..
The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. Jurang Mariana ini
Cerita pasal itu:
mysteries and paranormal
Monday, August 6, 2012
Jangka hayat barangan kosmetik: When to throw makeup away??
This entry is about makeup lifespan. Sa mo bt ni entry sebagai guidelines utk girls out there dan jg utk diri sa sndri.. I guess majority female mmg ada simpan alat solek (makeup/cosmetic) biarpun cuma 1.. hehe.
Jgn ingat barangan kosmetik yg kita beli boleh kekal selamanya selagi x habis dpakai k..
Jgn ingat barangan kosmetik yg kita beli boleh kekal selamanya selagi x habis dpakai k..
Cerita pasal itu:
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Unduk Ngadau 2012
Dear readers,
Sy tau ni post agak bangas a.k.a basi untuk dipublish pada masa sekarang.. Kaamatan event for this year suda pn berlalu dua bulan yg lepas.. But for the sake of my precious blogadiary, please bear with me... hahaahha!
Supposedly, sa mo tulis ba ni entry tym kaamatan, 30 - 31 May. Tapi dsebabkan kesibukan + kemalasan yg brmaharajalela, now - July 31st baru sa dpt bt ni entry.. heheh.
Before sa kasi tunjuk kamu gambar2 sumandak - finalist unduk ngadau 2012, bagus sa bg sikit2 introduction dulu sama kamu mengenai perayaan Pesta Kaamatan & what is Unduk Ngadau. :p
Pesta Menuai (Tadau Kaamatan) merupakan upacara tradisi kaum Kadazan-Dusun Sabah bagi menghormati semangat padi (Bambazon). Perayaan ini lazimnya dilakukan setelah selesai menuai padi. Mengikut lagenda, semangat padi ini berasal dari seorang gadis bernama Huminodun yang terpaksa dikorbankan (menurut adat istiadat) oleh ayahnya, Dewa Kinoingan bagi menyelamatkan rakyat daripada kebuluran. So bagi menghormati pengorbanan ini, Tadau Kaamatan telah turun temurun dirayakan setiap tahun oleh kaum Kadazan-Dusun. Nowadays, tarikh Pesta Kaamatan ni telah menjadi cuti umum bagi rakyat di negeri Sabah. Jadi, siapa2 sj yg Sabahan x kira la apa bangsa sama2 merayakannya secara tidak langsung.. haha.
Oo ya, how about the term 'Unduk Ngadau'? Unduk Ngadau ni actually merupakan title 'Ratu Cantik' (Beauty Pageant).. Ia berasal dari perkataan 'Runduk Tadau' atau gadis yang dimahkotakan sinar matahari (the girl crowned by the sunlight). Siapakah gadis ini? So berbalik kepada lagenda yg sa crita awal td, gadis tersebut adalah si Huminodun.. ^^
Jadi gadis yg layak untuk dimahkotakan title Unduk Ngadau, bukanlah sekadar dilihat dari rupa paras sahaja..tapi mesti mau tgk personaliti dan kebijaksanaan jg..
Semasa Pesta Kaamatan, pertandingan Unduk Ngadau akan diadakan. Syarat untuk mengikuti pertandingan ini kadang berubah tiap tahun, and maybe x sama bagi peringkat anjuran yang berlainan. Tapi secara umumnya (utk Kaamatan Peringkat Negeri), siapa2 wanita Sabah dari suku kaum Kadazan/Dusun/Murut (atau sino/kacukan kepada kaum ini)and bumiputera mmg bole join. Ketinggian haruslah tidak kurang dari 5'2. Berumur 18-25 tahun. Peserta juga haruslah berkebolehan untuk bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda mereka.
Nahh.. punya banyak suda sa tulis2.. gambar belum ada lg.. Oke oke.. sabar aa kawan, below are the pictures.. Please note that, bukan sa yg snap picture dorang ni.. These beautiful pictures are from various talented photographer, makeup artist & blogger.. Credits to them first:
FB: Jeffiejeffofficial
FB: David-AramaitiiVideo-Photo
FB: makeupbyjeff
And finally, the pictures.... ^^
Sy tau ni post agak bangas a.k.a basi untuk dipublish pada masa sekarang.. Kaamatan event for this year suda pn berlalu dua bulan yg lepas.. But for the sake of my precious blogadiary, please bear with me... hahaahha!
Supposedly, sa mo tulis ba ni entry tym kaamatan, 30 - 31 May. Tapi dsebabkan kesibukan + kemalasan yg brmaharajalela, now - July 31st baru sa dpt bt ni entry.. heheh.
Before sa kasi tunjuk kamu gambar2 sumandak - finalist unduk ngadau 2012, bagus sa bg sikit2 introduction dulu sama kamu mengenai perayaan Pesta Kaamatan & what is Unduk Ngadau. :p
Pesta Menuai (Tadau Kaamatan) merupakan upacara tradisi kaum Kadazan-Dusun Sabah bagi menghormati semangat padi (Bambazon). Perayaan ini lazimnya dilakukan setelah selesai menuai padi. Mengikut lagenda, semangat padi ini berasal dari seorang gadis bernama Huminodun yang terpaksa dikorbankan (menurut adat istiadat) oleh ayahnya, Dewa Kinoingan bagi menyelamatkan rakyat daripada kebuluran. So bagi menghormati pengorbanan ini, Tadau Kaamatan telah turun temurun dirayakan setiap tahun oleh kaum Kadazan-Dusun. Nowadays, tarikh Pesta Kaamatan ni telah menjadi cuti umum bagi rakyat di negeri Sabah. Jadi, siapa2 sj yg Sabahan x kira la apa bangsa sama2 merayakannya secara tidak langsung.. haha.
Oo ya, how about the term 'Unduk Ngadau'? Unduk Ngadau ni actually merupakan title 'Ratu Cantik' (Beauty Pageant).. Ia berasal dari perkataan 'Runduk Tadau' atau gadis yang dimahkotakan sinar matahari (the girl crowned by the sunlight). Siapakah gadis ini? So berbalik kepada lagenda yg sa crita awal td, gadis tersebut adalah si Huminodun.. ^^
Jadi gadis yg layak untuk dimahkotakan title Unduk Ngadau, bukanlah sekadar dilihat dari rupa paras sahaja..tapi mesti mau tgk personaliti dan kebijaksanaan jg..
Semasa Pesta Kaamatan, pertandingan Unduk Ngadau akan diadakan. Syarat untuk mengikuti pertandingan ini kadang berubah tiap tahun, and maybe x sama bagi peringkat anjuran yang berlainan. Tapi secara umumnya (utk Kaamatan Peringkat Negeri), siapa2 wanita Sabah dari suku kaum Kadazan/Dusun/Murut (atau sino/kacukan kepada kaum ini)and bumiputera mmg bole join. Ketinggian haruslah tidak kurang dari 5'2. Berumur 18-25 tahun. Peserta juga haruslah berkebolehan untuk bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda mereka.
Nahh.. punya banyak suda sa tulis2.. gambar belum ada lg.. Oke oke.. sabar aa kawan, below are the pictures.. Please note that, bukan sa yg snap picture dorang ni.. These beautiful pictures are from various talented photographer, makeup artist & blogger.. Credits to them first:
FB: Jeffiejeffofficial
FB: David-AramaitiiVideo-Photo
FB: makeupbyjeff
And finally, the pictures.... ^^
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Aliana Wandak, Matunggong |
Friday, May 11, 2012
Cara mengabadikan persahabatan + peluang menang duit!
Hi.... Ni post especially utk girls yang ada sahabat baik... I recommend u all to join this contest, ditaja oleh Clean & Clear... Sa yakin kamu slalu ambi gmbr brsama bestfriend kamu kn? Drpd kamu p upload d FB, bagus lg kamu ikut ni contest Clean&Clear Top Best Friends. Kalo menang, kamu boleh jadi wajah Clean&Clear, pastu dapat lagi duit RM5000.. Bahagi 2 orang, RM2500.. Naa, kaya suda.. Haha.. Kalo sa masi bekepit slalu ngan bestfriend sa kan siok, lama sda ni sa bawa dorang join.. Huhu~
Okie, mari kita tgk wajah Clean&Clear Top Best Friends 2010 dan 2011.. Dorang ni la yang pernah menjadi pemenang contest ni..
Okie, mari kita tgk wajah Clean&Clear Top Best Friends 2010 dan 2011.. Dorang ni la yang pernah menjadi pemenang contest ni..
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Safiah & Ainaa (Top Best Friend Clean & Clear 2010) |
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Fify & Khali (Top Best Friend Clean & Clear 2011) |
Cerita pasal itu:
Menang duit
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
16 Types of people in FB
1) The "Lurker" - Never posts anything or comments on your post, but reads everything, and might make reference to your status if they... see you in public.
2) The "Hyena" - Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs at everything.
3) "Mr/Ms Popular" - Has 4367 friends for NO reason
4) The "Gamer" - Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual cakes and stuff, etc., ALL DAY.)
5)The "Prophet" - Every post makes reference to God.
6) The "Thief" - Steals status updates.. and will probably steal this one.
7) The "Cynic" - Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates.
8) The "Collector" - Never posts anything either, but joins every group and becomes fans of the most random stuff.
9) The "Promoter" - Always sends event invitations to things that you ultimately delete or ignore.
10) The "Liker" - Never actually says anything, buy always clicks the "like" button
11) The "Hater" - Every post revolves around someone hating on them, and they swear people are trying to ruin their life
12) The "Anti-Proofreader" - This person would benefit greatly from Spellcheck, and sometimes you feel bad for them because you don't know if they were typing fast, or really cant spell.
13) "Drama Queen/ King" - This person always posts stuff like "I can't believe this!", or "They gonna make me snap today!", in the hopes that you will ask what happened, or what's wrong...but then they never finish telling the story.
14) "Womp Womp" - This person consistently tries to be funny...but never is.
15) The "News" - Always updates you on what they are doing and who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary
16) The "Rooster" - Feels that it is their job to tell Facebook "Good Morning" every day.
I am the thief... A good thief actually.. Hahah.. You can add more to this list.. hehe.. Just want to share, please note that I copied this from There are more funny yet inspirational pictures below..XD
2) The "Hyena" - Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs at everything.
3) "Mr/Ms Popular" - Has 4367 friends for NO reason
4) The "Gamer" - Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual cakes and stuff, etc., ALL DAY.)
5)The "Prophet" - Every post makes reference to God.
6) The "Thief" - Steals status updates.. and will probably steal this one.
7) The "Cynic" - Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates.
8) The "Collector" - Never posts anything either, but joins every group and becomes fans of the most random stuff.
9) The "Promoter" - Always sends event invitations to things that you ultimately delete or ignore.
10) The "Liker" - Never actually says anything, buy always clicks the "like" button
11) The "Hater" - Every post revolves around someone hating on them, and they swear people are trying to ruin their life
12) The "Anti-Proofreader" - This person would benefit greatly from Spellcheck, and sometimes you feel bad for them because you don't know if they were typing fast, or really cant spell.
13) "Drama Queen/ King" - This person always posts stuff like "I can't believe this!", or "They gonna make me snap today!", in the hopes that you will ask what happened, or what's wrong...but then they never finish telling the story.
14) "Womp Womp" - This person consistently tries to be funny...but never is.
15) The "News" - Always updates you on what they are doing and who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary
16) The "Rooster" - Feels that it is their job to tell Facebook "Good Morning" every day.
I am the thief... A good thief actually.. Hahah.. You can add more to this list.. hehe.. Just want to share, please note that I copied this from There are more funny yet inspirational pictures below..XD
My FB Account Was LOCKED!
Hi again.. I made this post to tell you all my experience in case it's useful for anybody in a similar situation. I know that there are many out there just like me.. Recently, my FB account was locked. Gratefully I managed to recover my my FB account.
Before I proceed to: how I unlocked my FB account, I just want everyone know what are reasons that leads to this problem. Just to name a few, sending friend requests in bulk, posting unauthorized commercials/spams, sharing intellectual holdings like pictures or videos, accessing FB account from different device or from different IP address, somebody tried to enter your account without being authorized (an attempt to hack) and so on... Maybe someone even send/falsely send a report to FB to block your account.. Haha.
Before I proceed to: how I unlocked my FB account, I just want everyone know what are reasons that leads to this problem. Just to name a few, sending friend requests in bulk, posting unauthorized commercials/spams, sharing intellectual holdings like pictures or videos, accessing FB account from different device or from different IP address, somebody tried to enter your account without being authorized (an attempt to hack) and so on... Maybe someone even send/falsely send a report to FB to block your account.. Haha.
Cerita pasal itu:
5 laman web menarik yang harus anda layari!
Hi all.. OK, post kali ni adalah mengenai laman-laman web yang memang menjadi kegemaran sa untuk d'surf pada masa lapang (tym busy2 pun gila jg p surf benda ni.. huhu~ Addictive.).. Laman-laman web kegemaran sa ni memang x disertakan Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, dan yang sewaktu dengannya k.. So, let us begin with the list ya.. ^^
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deviantART |
Cerita pasal itu:
Monday, February 20, 2012
Beruang Panda: Ikon keamanan kini dalam bahaya
Did you know that Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) ni merupakan simbol keamanan bagi negara China, serta maskot bagi WWF? Binatang ni memang la tersangat comel tapi merbahaya jg kalo kamu sengaja cari pasal.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Tahukah kamu: Fakta kidal
This is something that has been my interest dari dulu lagi. Sa mmg slalu tertanya2 ttg saudara n kawan2 sa yg tangan kiri dorg lebih dominan bbanding tangan kanan a.k.a KIDAL. Hehe, adik pompuan sa pun kidal jg dan kdg2 sa rasa mcm dia ni dr planet lain, pembawaan diri lain drpd yg lain.. haha. (Jan mara ktet, special ba ko ni). Indeed, orang2 kidal ini memang punya keistimewaan dan kelainan berbanding mereka yg dominan tangan kanan. So, here are the facts...
Cerita pasal itu:
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
What's the Right Pet for You?
I have rabbit as my pet. And I am sure that rabbit is the right pet for me. Ramai org x suka ngan arnab sbb dorg cakap arnab bbau, n terlalu sensitif, sukar utk dijaga. Even my A'Pa and A'Mi dun really love rabbits. But for me.. huhu~ I dun care, I still like that fluffy thing.
Ari ni sa rindu sgt ngn arnab2 sa druma (Si Usagi and Si Bulan). So, I google mcm2 la benda berkaitan arnab asalkan boleh mngubat kerinduan. Trus ada la ni satu question yg balik2 la org search jawapan dia d google: What's the Right Pet for You? atau bila d terjemah k Bahasa Melayu --> Apakah binatang peliharaan yang sesuai untuk anda? Cheewwwwaaaahhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ari ni sa rindu sgt ngn arnab2 sa druma (Si Usagi and Si Bulan). So, I google mcm2 la benda berkaitan arnab asalkan boleh mngubat kerinduan. Trus ada la ni satu question yg balik2 la org search jawapan dia d google: What's the Right Pet for You? atau bila d terjemah k Bahasa Melayu --> Apakah binatang peliharaan yang sesuai untuk anda? Cheewwwwaaaahhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Dari kiri: Tontoburui (I miss u. RIP), Usagi dan Bulan |
I'm Back!!!!!
Hahahha... Its been a while since we saw each other my AWESOMMMMEE blog.. (Wahh! Mcm sj kita perna bjumpa cni.. :p ).. Lama suda ni x tgk2 ni blog sa, kesian.. ckit lg mo bangas suda..
Dun worry guys n guls.. Now I'm back with more stuff that need and MUST be read by youuu~~~ Haha.. (Sorry, sy x brmaksud utk memaksa anda membaca. If u're still reading this now, itu bermakna apa yg berlaku terhadap anda ketika ini semuanya disebabkan oleh ur own FREEWILL.. Isn't that amazinngg??)
Okie, enough with the craps (1 taun sda ba sa x bising2 d blog, please understand my situation here). Mm.. My last post is in the year of 2010 if I'm not mistaken. I dun have much time to do all this coooll thing bcoz I'm working as a Knowledge Engineer in MIMOS Malaysia.. (What!! WORKING??? KNOWLEDGE WHAT??) Haha.. I'm kidding.. Actually it was only a kind of training or maybe internship or I dunno yg sama waktu dgnnya la kn.. Mmm.. And I'm not holding that engineer title.. Its only APPRENTICE... ??? You dun get it? Never mind.
The boss
Dun worry guys n guls.. Now I'm back with more stuff that need and MUST be read by youuu~~~ Haha.. (Sorry, sy x brmaksud utk memaksa anda membaca. If u're still reading this now, itu bermakna apa yg berlaku terhadap anda ketika ini semuanya disebabkan oleh ur own FREEWILL.. Isn't that amazinngg??)
Okie, enough with the craps (1 taun sda ba sa x bising2 d blog, please understand my situation here). Mm.. My last post is in the year of 2010 if I'm not mistaken. I dun have much time to do all this coooll thing bcoz I'm working as a Knowledge Engineer in MIMOS Malaysia.. (What!! WORKING??? KNOWLEDGE WHAT??) Haha.. I'm kidding.. Actually it was only a kind of training or maybe internship or I dunno yg sama waktu dgnnya la kn.. Mmm.. And I'm not holding that engineer title.. Its only APPRENTICE... ??? You dun get it? Never mind.
The boss
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