Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm Back!!!!!

Hahahha... Its been a while since we saw each other my AWESOMMMMEE blog.. (Wahh! Mcm sj kita perna bjumpa cni.. :p ).. Lama suda ni x tgk2 ni blog sa, kesian.. ckit lg mo bangas suda..

Dun worry guys n guls.. Now I'm back with more stuff that need and MUST be read by youuu~~~ Haha.. (Sorry, sy x brmaksud utk memaksa anda membaca. If u're still reading this now, itu bermakna apa yg berlaku terhadap anda ketika ini semuanya disebabkan oleh ur own FREEWILL.. Isn't that amazinngg??)

Okie, enough with the craps (1 taun sda ba sa x bising2 d blog, please understand my situation here). Mm.. My last post is in the year of 2010 if I'm not mistaken. I dun have much time to do all this coooll thing bcoz I'm working as a Knowledge Engineer in MIMOS Malaysia.. (What!! WORKING??? KNOWLEDGE WHAT??) Haha.. I'm kidding.. Actually it was only a kind of training or maybe internship or I dunno yg sama waktu dgnnya la kn.. Mmm.. And I'm not holding that engineer title.. Its only APPRENTICE... ??? You dun get it? Never mind.

The boss
actually MOHE ba tu, sbb dia bg fund kpd my Universe City and the MIMOS utk ajar kami 23 org supaya jd more marketable person during job hunting. That training ada nama dia sendiri.. It was called the 'CODE 8'... Sounds like something fishy there.. Huhu~ (how come you end up kasi gabung 'sounds' with 'fishy'? Mcm x kena pla..) Ahh! peduli la.. Bukan itu yg sa mo crita.. Yg sa mo crita, kami punya training tu selama 1 tahun.. Sa kc summarize ja la, kalo x panjang la ni sa kena taip smpai bsok x abis.. Training tu utk bdk2 yg sda grad, ada Bachelor degree, pastu budak2 ni kena train la skill2 dlm programming. But the main focus tym tu, dorg mo kmi belajar tentang Semantic Technology, and how to apply it in real world scenarios.. Mm, bingung ka? Kalo mo tau cmna rupa our web in the future, aa.tu la tu yg dorg apply semantic. Actually skarang pn ada sda tu.. Dulu lg ada sda cuma ckit.. Still dun get it? Okie.. Semantic is the study of meanings. In the future, bila kita search ssuatu dlm web (for example: 'Apple' yg company bt Mac and IPhone tu aa), search engine tu akan faham yg kita cari sbenarnya the Apple company, bukannya Apple yg kita beli d kedai tu.. Aaa.. benda tu yg kmi study and worked on tu ari.. haha.. But, you know what? I really miss every moments that I share with the other apprentice there. Mula2, kami semua mcm strangers. But in the end, rasa macam adi beradi sj ni semua.. Wuhuhuhu~

Uhh.. Too many words.. Okie.. So, my plan for this yr is to continue my study yg terbengkalai selama setahun, ambi lesen memandu, and kasi cantik n tambah isi d blog sa, kc tambah lg kpakaran dlm flash animation (taun lalu mo tmuntah sda asyik tgk coding JAVA sj), and..the list go on.. Please forgive me for any of my bad words. Sy ni sebenarnya baik, n apa yg sy ckp tu x mlambangkan bgaimana perasaan sy yg sebenarnya.. (Whatt!! Hahaha..)

Ciao all!! And ya, Happy 2012.. Be ready for my next, next, and nextttttttt post okie...  ^^

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